Output channel mapping for Skid steering

i am working on a Tank with skid steering. I am also using some output channels for additional motors and to make things easier it would be amazing if the output channel for right throttle could be on servo 2 instead of servo 3. I understand that this is the standard

  • [SERVO1_FUNCTION] = 73 (Throttle Left)
  • [SERVO3_FUNCTION] = 74 (Throttle Right)

I tried configuring it like this

  • [SERVO2_FUNCTION] = 74 (Throttle Right)

but it did not work. Is that per design of hardware limitation or did i make a mistake here?

That’s correct. It should have worked for you. Does it work if on any other channels?

Also, what motor controller are you using? (Brushed or PWM)

Hi, i am using a PWM motor. The setup works since it works like charm when using the Servo3. I will try another channel and report back.

Yes it should work. I don’t use Servo 1&3 on a Rover. It’s an Ackerman setup not skid but that shouldn’t make any difference in this context.