OSD Overscan / words cut off at bottom

For reference, I am using the minimosd 1.1, fatshark 250W TX, CMOS camera and attitude goggles with built-in receiver. all 5.8ghz.

My question anything on the bottom row (when setup in the MinimOSD configurator) is cutoff when viewed on the screen. Is there any way to adjust this? I’m guessing there’s something in code to allow you to adjust overscan, but not sure.

Can anyone help? This may be more of a software question, but thought I’d start here.

Sir did you remember to adjust the video format, NTSC or PAL?

I did, yes. Had some trouble getting it to “stick” in the config tool, but I believe it is correct now.

You mean the problem has been fixed or you have merely managed to get it in the correct format?
i.e. does your problem persists after setting to the correct format?

Ok, did some digging around on other forums as well, turns out this is a known issue with the fatshark 600tvl camera. It ships with a jumper that when on should signify NTSC, when removed, PAL. Jumper was on, but was still apparently sending a PAL signal. If you remove it and put it back on a few times, it seems to clear off deposits which wasn’t allowing it to jump correctly. Bizarre, but it seems to be ok now, and not overscanning.

Thanks for the help, hope this helps others.