Orange Cube and Brushed Motor Controllers

I have just moved over to a new speed controller with an Orange Cube.
The speed controller requires a 5 volt signal but the Cube carrier board is only 3.3 volts.
What controllers are being used that have a 3.3 volt signal voltage?
I have had it running with other boards with 5 volt signal.
Any ideas?

Try BRD_PWM_VOLT_SEL, which allows selection of 3.3V or 5V PWM output (Complete Parameter List — Rover documentation).

Note that not all Flight Controllers support this. The Cube Orange should support it.

There are plenty of compatible options, but your question is far too broad. You could use a tiny 2A H-bridge or a massive, custom manufactured controller for hundreds to thousands of amps.

But first, try the above suggestion.

Thank you both for your reply’s to my question.

Fortunately the Orange Cube can change to 5v from the default 3.3 with that parameter.
All good and now working.