Optical flow setting the EKF origin

I am using PX4Flow with Pixhawk powered by Arducopter 4.07, my question is when using QGC how to set EKF origin before take off in loiter , as Mission Planner provides option to do this on right click of mouse does QGC do have the same kind of option .Also the copter wiki provides the information with Mission Planner only.

I have the same question. Did you find a solution?

Did you try it with the latest QGC daily version? Or with the 4.4.0 release?

Iā€™m not sure if it helps, but it is worth a try.

Oh, and optical flow with ArduCopter 4.1.3-rc2 and EKF3 is probably better.

IN Mission Planner its fine but not from QGC.

Did you try it with the latest QGC daily version? Or with the QGroundControl 4.4.0 release?

You can set it automatically using a LUA script like this one:


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thank you ,I should definitely try this