Opensource, color, PictureInPicture capable OSD for ArduPilot

hmm, guess I’ll have to re-install

Did you check what is in the .sch file ? It should be a human readable xml file. If you downloaded just the files via a browser they could be corrupted.

My apologies, you’re right!. I only looked at the 2 top lines and saw that they were different and never registered that it was just html!. This is what I get for looking at it late at night!
Sorry for wasting your time. I re-downloaded (late night again!), made sure to get the right file and it works now.

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Is it possible to replace Teensy 3.2 with Teensy 4.0? Teensy 3.2 is not available for sale.

Yes, but you have to check the pinouts.

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Arduino IDE throws an error when compiling
“Compilation error: cli.h: No such file or directory”. What program do you use to compile?

Visual Studio and VS Micro addon

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