hmm, guess I’ll have to re-install
Did you check what is in the .sch file ? It should be a human readable xml file. If you downloaded just the files via a browser they could be corrupted.
My apologies, you’re right!. I only looked at the 2 top lines and saw that they were different and never registered that it was just html!. This is what I get for looking at it late at night!
Sorry for wasting your time. I re-downloaded (late night again!), made sure to get the right file and it works now.
Is it possible to replace Teensy 3.2 with Teensy 4.0? Teensy 3.2 is not available for sale.
Yes, but you have to check the pinouts.
Arduino IDE throws an error when compiling
“Compilation error: cli.h: No such file or directory”. What program do you use to compile?
Visual Studio and VS Micro addon