Omnibus F4 V3 lua scripting

Hello everyone. Sorry I am a newbie here. I have an Omnibus F4 V3 AIO FC on a quadcopter. It is tuned and flight very well in Stabilize and Loiter modes, so that is not an issue. However, my current project require me to land the copter on a solar panel and hold tight to the tilted surface. My plan is to:

  • Put the thing in LAND mode, land on the surface
  • Using SERVO5 output channel to flip the arm
  • Arm the copter then pull the throttle up, the motor outputs all have to be the same as the stick throttle (that means no stabilization)
    I manage to barely accomplish this with pymavlink communication to the drone through WiFi telemetry, but it is to sluggish for my taste. I recently read about Lua scripting and intend to use this instead. However, I cannot find the SCR_ENABLE parameter to allow scripting at all. Would you please help me with this, or suggest an alternative? Thank you very much.

Nope, not enough flash memory, feature limited.

Dave (@dkemxr) was faster.

The Omnibus F4 V3 AIO FC does not have enough power for LUA script execution (at least 2 MB of flash and 70 kB of memory are required). Therefore scripting is not enabled and you can’t find SCR_ENABLE parameter.

For Lua-scripting in the hobby area in my experience the Mateksys h743 flightcontrollers are best choice.
