I’m setting up my second pix system, but it is killing me. It’s exhibiting some random behavior that I can’t seem to figure out.
I have apm3.3 and trying to install
Tarot Retracts with retract controller
and Feiyu Mini 3d gimbal
Like I said, I’ve gotten some strange things going on.
For some reason, the gimbal will tilt with no problems. I simply can’t make it pan. And despite following setting the aux pins the way it says to on the apm site, I can’t get the retracts workin.
I had this all working on my other pix system just fine. So I know something is setup wrong with this one.
So I followed the wiki, put the retracts on channel 8. We’ll come back to them.
The gimbal are on aux1 & aux2. They’re set to my pots on channel 6 and 7.
I started out in MP by just going to the gimbal settings menu and setting things up. The tilt works like it should, but I get no panning. Switching channels didn’t get me anywhere. I know that the panning works, but the gimbal has different modes on it. I suppose that could be the problem?
I think I’m rambling and not making any sense here.
I guess the main question is, in order to get the aux pins to work. What settings should the rc9 and others be set at in order to control the gimbal?
Do I put them as pass through, gimbal control, disabled?
Does anyone know about the modes of this gimbal and if my problem is that I don’t have the mode switch hookedup and set to the proper mode?
It’s probably really simple and I’m just overlooking something from staring at it for so long.
I’m sorry if I’m not making much sense. It’s mid terms, I’m sick and running on a few hours of sleep. If I get frisky, I run out and play with this for a few minutes at a time. I’m really lost.
Thanks for any help!