Octocopter Crash

I would be grateful if someone would at the enclosed logs and tell me why the Octocopter crashed. The Copter has been working well for 2 years but for no reason fall out of the sky.

2017-04-13 14-53-04.bin (1.4 MB)



I hate looking at Octo quad logs. Too many props to keep track of. And don’t get me started on the colors in the graph.

Anyway it looks like motor 6 failed.


Is this an OCTA QUAD or OCTO X. Motor data looks like the first one.

Yes it an OCTA Quad.

I though that if one motor failed the other should have held it in the air.

The other theory for the crash is one of the observers said a bird flew into it, no evidence on he machine eg (blood and feathers) but there was a lot of feather in he field. The other thought was motor 6 came loose again no evidence as there wasn’t even a mark on either boom or prop

David Ardis.

Now that I know it’s a OCTA quad something in the log makes more sense. Right after the copter Yawed about 180 degrees I see the motors start to change. They were fighting a Yaw which maybe caused by a motor starting to fail.

When a motor fails on an OCTA quad the quad starts to spin out of control since it is no longer able to keep it’s yaw.

This was discussed in other threads that the copter should still fly after a motor failure but they say it crashes and I don’t know if they were going to fix this or if there is a work around.
