Obstacle avoidance with TF mini

You can start reading the wiki : http://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/code-overview-object-avoidance.html

The native driver is now implemented in ArduPilot

I have the message : PreArm: check proximity sensor

I use a TF mini connected in serial 4/5 on pixhawk (last firmware ARDUPILOT). It give the good value in MP.
I have configure an avoidance switch but i have always the message. Any ideas ?

My parameters
AVOID_MARGIN=2 : nombre de mètres devant l’obstacle (avec GPS)

[AVOID_DIST_MAX] =5 : nombre de mètres devant l’obstacle (sans GPS)

[AVOID_ANGLE_MAX] =1000 controls how far back the vehicle will lean away from the barrier (sans GPS)



RNGFND_TYPE = 8 (LightWareSerial)

RNGFND_SCALING = 1 coefficient d’echelle

RNGFND_MIN_CM = 30 : distance mini de lecture du capteur

RNGFND_MAX_CM = 600 : distance maxi de lecture du capteur

RNGFND_GNDCLEAR = 23 : (en cm, distance entre la tête du capteur et le sol)

RNGFND_ORIENF=25 : (orientation vers le bas)

PRX_TYPE=4 : type de capteur de proximité

PRX_YAW_CORE=0 : correction sur le yaw

In mission planner the sensor is on flight mode 1

CH7_OPT = 10 : switch channel 7 for proximity sensor


Have you tried changing orientation as 25 (RNGFND_ORIENF=25 : (orientation vers le bas)) is used for altitude.

And then, you hit CTRL-F to get into the proximity ‘‘radar’’ screen.

My application is to clean the roofs by drone so I need to maintain a constant altitude so a rise of 2 meters between the drone and the roof. Orientation as 25 is ok for my application but I have the message : PreArm: check proximity sensor. My TFmini is installed 23 cm up to the ground. Any suggestion ?

I think the error is : PRX_TYPE=4 : It need to stay to 0 ; i’ll try to fly this afternoon

Type 4 is for rangefinder

Line 47

Hey there!
I was looking for a low cost and effective rangefinder for obstacle avoidance for a drone. 4 at sides and one for altitude. Cost here is priority but effectiveness is also important.
Can anyone suggest rangefinder for this purpose.
I found tf luna interesting but found threads where it is giving issues with the performance of the drone.

Shubham Thakur

Hey all.
curious if you want to use two TF-Mini’s do you need to set the addresses to different values and if so how. This is for I2C lidars.


Hi… Actually I had also done the same…but if we switch on proximity avoidance…if that obstacle is nearer to that…the drone is shaking and dropping down (landing)…So can you please tell what can I do to move back…

Hi… Actually I had also done the same…but if we switch on proximity avoidance…if that obstacle is nearer to that…the drone is shaking and dropping down (landing)…So can you please tell what can I do to move back…

check this parameter
AVOID_BACKUP_DZ: Avoidance deadzone between stopping and backing away from obstacle

Distance beyond AVOID_MARGIN parameter, after which vehicle will backaway from obstacles. Increase this parameter if you see vehicle going