Object Avoidance not working

Hi, everybody,

I’m setting the object avoidance and I’m a little lost because the tests didn’t work.
At first I have parameterized the avoid fields and then the OA so that they are in Bendy Ruler mode. When I see that it does not work, I have deactivated the AVOID fields and only left the OA active in Bendy mode…and also

I’ve left the link in case someone can help me set the function correctly

Thank you very much.


Hello. Have you solved this issue?

I’m trying to use Bendy Ruler myself during an AUTO mission with my quadcopter, but so far I haven’t accomplished anything.

I’m trying to perform object avoidance using 3 HC-SR04 sensors connected to a raspberry pi 4 in my quadcopter and I have set up all the parameters as indicated in the documentation at Object Avoidance with Bendy Ruler — Copter documentation , but when I upload a mission and switch to AUTO mode, the drone takes off as indicated in the mission, but then stops in place and does not execute the rest of the commands in the mission. Any ideas are welcomed.

Thank you very much.