OBAL - A Simple Linux-based Raspberry-Pi Ardupilot FCB

I try to compile for Arduplane for raspbery pi Zero W

I downloaded the “cross-pi-gcc” tool and saw the following executable
How will I have to change the path so I can start compiling

./waf configure --toolchain=/opt/cross-pi-gcc/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf --board obal

Because I don’t see “arm-linux-gnueabihf” in the “cross-pi-gcc” tool

I’m trying to use Ubuntu 20 x64 VPS to find a way to compile code for raspbery pi Zero W

I got this mess

arm-linux-gnueabihf is a prefix
and it seems you installed it on ~/cross-pi-gcc-10.3.0-64
so you need to replace /opt/… with the new path… you can use pwd to get the path.

I’m sorry to bother you a little more.

I look in “cross-pi-gcc-10.3.0-64” but can’t find the file “arm-linux-gnueabihf” so can’t run command in Terminal

So I ran these commands on Raspberry Pi Zero W. It came out like this.

When I run the command “sudo ./arduplane” I get the message “Segmentation fault” .

Did I compile wrong, when I can’t run the script above on Pi Zero W.

the compiler I use is cross compiler…I compile on ubuntu and run on RPI-Z

Sorry I can’t update soon. I compiled on Raspbery pi Zero and here is the path where I successfully ran Arduplane.
“sudo /home/pi/ardupilot/build/obal/bin/arduplane”

I was able to connect to Mission Planner through the local wifi network. with the following command line “sudo /home/pi/ardupilot/build/obal/bin/arduplane -A udp:”

But I got this message

Is there any way to fix this problem. Do I have to connect Obal to Mission Planner via USB cable without using Mavlink Wifi??

Did I connect the correct wiring diagram??

I power the PCA9685 with a 5 volt supply of a litium PIN via Esc
Raspberry pi is powered through the 5v power supply of the portable charger

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when you write i2cdetect -y 1 can you see the i2c devices ?

i installed the following commands “sudo apt-get install i2c-tools”
and continue to run the command “i2cdetect -y 1”

This is the result I got

No I2C… Raspberry PI cannot see any device.

This means one of two things:
1- i2c is not enabled on Raspberry.
2- there is a soldering problem.
Please check that V5,GND,SDA,SCL are all not shorted and board wires are ok.
to test this you need avometer and using pins of the breakouts and pins on RPI.

I used the manual method, to test the power

I will check the signal wires

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I don’t have a power meter. Can I wire it like this to test the circuit??

I hooked up pins PIN 3 and PIN 5 to SDA and SCL
use external power supply and led to confirm
like this

Is it possible?

no please do not do that . you can kill the sensors.

I am willing to do a configuration with two RPi Zeros - one for OBAL, and another running Drone Engage for telemetry. I have seen your video on the Drone Engage docs doing this with the boards connected over serial.

But the serial on the OBAL Pi will be occupied by GPS. Is it possible do the telemetry connection over USB?

I would consider both software running on separate cores in a Pi Zero 2, but it is not available here right now, at least not as common as the single core Pi Zero.


the TXRX serial is connected to GPS. but you still have couple of options to connect the two boards.
1- connect then via WIFI.
2- connect them by using serial module connected to TXRX of the DroneEngage board and OTG of OBAL.
3- connect them by using OTG cable and use Ethernet over USB and it is a very fast connection.

The serial module option sounds good to me, can I also plug in a Minim OSD module listening on the OBAL’s TX line through the serial module?

Also, something I forgot to mention, I am intending to use OBAL for QuadPlane. Can there be any issues with firmware support?

Thanks again

  • If you need extra serial then you can switch to RPI-4.
    My favorite OBAL configuration is OBAL-GY91 with RPI-ZW2

  • OBAL supports all Ardupilot vehicles. there should be no problem with that.

Will OBAL and Drone Engage work drop in with RPi 3B/3B+ as well?

I couldn’t find any references to the RPi 3 SoCs in the GPIO_RPI.cpp and RCInput_RPI.cpp files, or even the Zero 2W for that matter. But I don’t really know in depth about peripheral configuration in Raspberry Pi so I have no idea what is going on here.

Can extra serial devices be connected using USB to Serial adapters?

I tested OBAL on RPI-Z, RPI-Z2, RPI-4, RPI-CM4.
I do believe it should run with RPI-3

Make sure that RaspberryOS is legacy not the 64 version unless to want to make some changes.

Rpi-3 worked for me. But couldn’t fly, because engine still won’t run

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r u sure u are using legacy OS not OS64??

Yes and like I said, it worked at the ground. Just hadn’t anything flying

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