Ntrip working at all?

Hi folks, I’m having a ?similar? problem.

Using u-center as a caster on a laptop. Cube connected via USB to Raspberry Pi running Rpanion, with a UDP connection to Mission Planner (running on same laptop as u-center).

If I point MP at the u-center caster, it works fine.
If I use the mavproxy ntrip module running under windows on the laptop, it works fine.

If I try to use mavproxy on the Pi to connect to the u-center caster, it seems to hang mavproxy and doesn’t give anything with “ntrip status”. Even “status” on mavproxy returns nothing.

Any ideas why it would break on the Pi, but run fine everywhere else?

Have identified the problem - Windows firewall settings were blocking the external connection, depending on whether Windows randomly decided whether it was on a public or private network.

While this was a PEBKAC, I think it points to an issue where the module doesn’t do a good job of dropping out gracefully if it can’t actually connect to a caster at the nominated IP and port.

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