NTRIP Setup for RTK/GPS Inject

Hello guys, I have orange cube pilot with 2 here3 gps and herelink remote . I want to ask How to setup NTRIP for GPS Inject/RTK . I got account (username, pass, hostname, port, mount) from cors server provider. when we test connection with android apps , connection and account is work. But when I connect in MP it cannot connected.

Is there any link, manual doc, or video for how use RTK/IGPS Inject - NTRIP ?

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can @Michael_Oborne or other staff help this ? Already buy your product but no respond after 6 day posted. So Sad This Community :sob: :sob:

please provide the link you are trying to use, use a fake username and password

Link for NTRIP :sob: https://xxxxx:0987654321@

if its is a vrs system, make sure your home loaction is set correctly, and also you have the checkbox ticked on connect