Not receiving messages from Local_Pos_Ned message

Hello everyone,

I am trying to receive messages from ID 32 ( Local_Position_Ned). However, I am not able to receive any messages on this topic.
I am getting messages getting a GPS lock and visible satellites are around 9-10. But still, I am not able to receive messages from Local_Posiition_NED.

Thank you,
so much.

Are you explicitly requesting the messages?

Yes, using the following commands:

pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
self.request_message(msg_id:32, interval:10).await?;  // requesting local ned messages
self.request_message(msg_id:33,interval:3_000).await? ; // requesting fused GPS values 

10us interval time? Looks a bit too short to me.

@amilcarlucas Thank you so much for your reply.
However, I tried at different time intervals but still, I am not getting any messages from Local_Ned_Pos message.


which gps module are you using

have you tried the software provided by the gps manufacturer to tune it?

does your gps unit has flash memory?

Thankyou so much for replying. It is a basic GPS module from MRO Robotics. No software was provided specifically for tuning.

Can you switch to loiter and arm the vehicle?

If you can it has acquired home location.
If you can not, you need to fix that.

Only then can you get the messages you want.

Yes, it can do that. I tried this
Also, I started getting my messages after this test.

Thank you so much.

Send me a pic, if its UBLOX

then you can use the UART witha TTL and concet to U-Center and do the changes

as well as get accurate data and have better access to the module