[Not Quite Solved] TF-Luna (Or any Rangefinder ?) creating bad connection between Air and Ground units ( Mavlink ?)


I had the setup still handy, so I hooked up the POC2

And tested on USB -direct, ESP-01 on WIFI with UDP and SIK on 915 Mhz
Here are the results

USB, a little slow on the refresh but I can get RADAR @ 16 Hz

ESP-01 on WIFI with UDP (@115 kBps) , about the same result

SIK on 915 Mhz (@57 kBPS) , a lot of latency and buffer overflows when trying to display,. Please note that I am using cheapest SIK with no handshake (CTS- RTS).
This screenshot was taken just after parameters received and it display once or twice beffore getting stucked and the frame rate was 0.3 HZ

Make sure the firmware on our devices are up to date so they can coerrectly transport MavLink messages.