Not picking up radio command for Motor1 - Motor4 servo functions

Hello everyone,

I am trying to enable a tailsitter configuration. I was following the setup guide as per Tailsitter Planes — Plane documentation.

I enabled the q_enable and set q_frame_class = 1 (quad) and q_frame_type = 3 (H) as per the instructions. My q_tailsit_motmx is set to keep all 4 motors enabled in forward flight as well as in hover.

The issues is - when I command throttle it is not picked up by “Motor_n” servo outputs. However, if I set my servo output function to “Throttle” - it works just fine.

Screenshots are attached below. First image has my throttle stick fully up, second has the throttle stick fully down. Any help would be highly appreciated !

PS: full parameter list:
Tailsitter_param.param (19.9 KB)

Are you in a “Q” mode and armed?

Armed, but in manual mode. My thinking was that the stick inputs should register regardless

The sticks don’t control the VTOL motors directly (or at all in manual mode).
Remember, motors 1-4 are quadcopter motors and (usually) shut down in FW modes.

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Also read the wiki for advice on setup and operation: QuadPlanes — Plane documentation

wanted to post a solution for anyone who may get stuck with similar issue: turned out I was missing physical arm/disarm switch on my radio. I thought when I removed the arming checks in parameters it also canceled the requirement for the physical switch - turns out I was wrong. Requirement for physical switch is on a different parameter