Hey everyone i need some help with my drone, The issue is not happening every time and occurring randomly
I have done as per below following steps
Was taking second automatic flight of the day
Automatic plan completed successfully.
Payload was remaining, so shifted to manual and sprayed manual
After initiating landing procedure, landed the drone in loiter mode and did normal disarm procedure(.i.e throttle down).
The drone was not disarming and instead the motors started to spin as if taking off, so switched to land mode and throttle stick down.
The drone still didn’t disarm, so pressed motor killswitch(D button) which after pressing showed MotorEstop_Middle and the drone still didn’t disarm.
Seems like the drone didn’t think it was already landed. Why that is I don’t know though.
You could try to set up an arming/disarming switch instead of using throttle input.
That it didn’t disarm when activating e-stop is normal, e-stop and disarmed are different states.
Also you could try to ask @Ramya for help, he/she/whatever had a similar problem recently and maybe found an answer already?
You seem to have two rangefinders configured to RNGFND1_TYPE,11 (USD1_Serial), RNGFND1_ORIENT,25. You should have used this for EK3_SRC1_POSZ after the UA is stable in flying with your three barometers (experience height drop). But, RNGFND1_MAX_CM,2000, up to 20m only.
Your YAW initial parameter setting for a 23" propeller does not seem correct. ATC_ACCEL_Y_MAX,7000
I do not recommend you rush to test the avoidance sensor. Have you completed the Harmonic Notch filter noise cancellation and autotuning?
Your UA z-vibration is still high.
you may want to revisit your MOT_THST_EXPO,0.77 and ANGLE_MAX,1000, and LOIT_ANG_MAX,15 in windy conditions. Your Arming check is weak.
You should consider upgrading the firmware to 4.4.4.
I recommend you to follow this guide.