Not disarm motors


Please log monitoring and feedback.

My second flight today, it seemed that the controller has not adhered height / mode Loiter /after the start.
I reduced the throttle to zero and disarm motors after landing.
The unit does not react and spontaneously adds gas. hexacopter flips and the engines are still running.
I have to remove the battery to finished running.
Log -
Video -
Controller Pixhawk original - firmware V3.2.1 .

Thanks, best regards


Please log monitoring and feedback.

My second flight today, it seemed that the controller has not adhered height / mode Loiter /after the start.
I reduced the throttle to zero and disarm motors after landing.
The unit does not react and spontaneously adds gas. hexacopter flips and the engines are still running.
I have to remove the battery to finished running.
Log -
Video -
Controller Pixhawk - firmware V3.2.1 .

Thanks, best regards

It is difficult to land in loiter mode if the copter is moving. Just because the copter has touched down does not mean it thinks it has landed. The motors could spin up just because the copter turns a little on landing and it is trying to correct for Yaw.

In Loiter mode you need to let it site there for a while and wait for the motors to spin down before trying to disarm otherwise you can make the issue worse because it will think you want to Yaw the copter and spin the motors up further. This flight controller will not disarm in mid flight.

The next release will improve on landing detection and will also allow an interlock option that will allow you to disarm the motors on a switch if need be. Otherwise most people try to land in Stabilize mode as that seem to work the best for them.

You need to let it site for a few seconds before trying to disarm it or once on the ground switch to Stabilize mode and then try to disarm it.


Is there a reason that you are posting a multicopter issue in the ArduPlane firmware sub forum?

[color=#00BF00][b]Not only in plane but double-posted in plane and copter… Topics merged.

Please read the forum rules and the instructions how to use these forums. Please post topics where they belong and do not double- or cross-post.[/b][/color]