Not able to conduct motor test

I am having problem in conducting motor test with mission planner there is an error coming which states error in communicating motor 1 similarly for other motors I am using radiolink pixhawk flight controller 2.4.8 fmuv3 , it is a quadcopter and using Simonk 30a esc. During the calibration I couldn’t give lower throttle and maximum throttle from the transmitter as I do not have one.
ESCs Just continuously beeps and do not stop.
I want to make this drone to conduct a autonomous flight.

Get a RC transmiter or a servo tester.

During the esc calibration can I use servo motor tester to give throttle if not what is the procedure??
Thanks , :pray:

Connect servo tester to all 4 escs at the same time and perform calibration. After that reconnect the escs to the FC.

Replace the Radiolink Flight Controller and get an RC System.