Hi Guys,
Been tinkering with arduplane for a while now and had an FX61 flying nicely with a Chinese PIXHAWK kit but found it difficult to work with ad-hoc because I needed more space for things like a companion computer and other stuff so I bought a rambler RS PNP on special offer and moved everything over. I’m using the motor and ESC supplied with the rambler rather than the setup I had on the FX61 (Turnigy plush-32 & sunnysky X2216). I’ getting ugly current readings from the new setup. I suspect the ESC and have a selection of ESCs I could try (though not the one from the phoenix as this is buried in my fun plane).
Here are some graphs for comparison :
Graph 1 : Example flight phoenix Current and Voltage
Graph 2 : Example flight phoenix Current and Voltage close zoom
Graph 3 : Example flight rambler Current and Voltage
Graph 4 : Example flight rambler Current and Voltage close zoom
Anyone out there just seen this before ? It kind of looks like a quantisation thing but then how does the current sensor deal with the on/off nature of an ESC ?
I also have an oscilloscope (picoscope, the basic one) available to me. Where would people suggest I start prodding ?