Noob need help to where to start!

Hello techies, am new to this domain i have been doing web development for 4 years and really wanna learn more about drones and planes my dream was to become a pilot :joy: and i ended as software developer so i better make an airplane and learn to make it fly, so i really need your help where to start ? what programming languages i need to learn ? what soft and hard i need ?
And Thank you so much

ps: i do javascript and php, and golang.

sorry for really stating the obvious here, but …
Do not buy hardware yet.
Read the documentation first.
Read some posts on the forum.

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Good catch, thank you

Look up Painless360 on Youtube. He’s got some good ArduPlane and ArduCopter builds.

And read the wiki: Setup for Plane β€” Plane documentation


Awesome thank you !!