No telemetry after EdgeTX 2.10.0 firmware update

After updating my TX16S mkII to EdgeTX 2.10.0, loading all default SD contents for 2.10.0, and reinstalling yaapu following “Installation on Horus radios”, no telemetry is being detected by the radio or shown by yaapu, however the RFD TXMOD in the module bay is still able to send all telemetry to Mission Planner over WIFI via TCP.

The yaapu widgets display correctly in the radio but no telemetry.

Attempted “Delete all” and “Discover new” in telemetry settings but nothing appears to be coming into the radio. Also no “telemetry connected” message as described in the summary of changes since v2.9.

Rolling firmware back to EdgeTX “Providence” v2.9.4 results in telemetry restored into both radio and yaapu.

Any of you having a similar problem?

Hey Mike thanks for this heads up, yes i think i have the same problem.
No telemetry after update to 2.10.0. i have been pulling my hair out trying to get the rfd900x / txmod going with yaapu and now i have a lifeline!
i will update to previous version and hope it works
Thanks for your help

For what its worth I am using 2.10.4 with yaapu without issue.

Hi Andy, are you using an external module with SBUS? The issue was found to be specific to this circumstance.

The EdgeTX developers made a fix which will have external modules with a drop-down sub type box for selecting telemetry type for use with PPM and SBUS, but I don’t believe that it’s been included in an official release, but probably in the next after v2.10.5.

Fix 5689

I am using an external module with CRSF.