Hi Guys,
I’m a bit stumped here trying to get my quadcopter with a pixhawk to calibrate (or even recognize) the external compass.
I am running APM Planner on OSX. I bought this Pixhawk second hand on ebay, and have not flown it yet.
After several attempts to calibrate the compass and researching, I discovered the log files do seem to recognize the compass, but don’t seem to get anything from it. Here’s what I’m getting:
Apparently 0 data points from compass 1 ( I assume since it has 2 compasses listed it is actually detecting the external in addition to the on board compass - not sure if this is correct)
[20161229 13:58:04.926 INFO ] - finishCompassCalibration with compass 1: 0 data points
[20161229 13:58:04.927 INFO ] - finishCompassCalibration with compass 2: 92 data points
[20161229 13:58:04.927 ERROR] - Not enough data points for calculation of compass 1:
[20161229 13:57:04.925 DEBUG] - Compass1 offsets x: 0 y: 0 z: 0
[20161229 13:57:04.926 DEBUG] - Compass2 offsets x: -43 y: -1012 z: -558
I originally had tried with the compass built into the GPS, and thought maybe it was faulty, so I also tried with a working HMC5883 (works fine with an arduino.) So basically 2 compasses and same results…
Voltage is correct on I2C pins 5V, 3.3V, 3.3V, Gnd.
Wiring is correct.
Not sure how else to trouble shoot this.
Any ideas??