No PWM with Transmitter off

I have been following the documentation to deal with Pre Arm warning FS_THR_Value. I have set PWM value to 15 below the value with transmitter on and throttle down, but to set the PWM value on channel 3 to 10 above PWM with transmitter off is problematic because MP shows no values for PWM on any channel with the transmitter off. PPM encoder led is on with TX on and off
Equipment:- TX = Turnigy 9x, RX = FlySky FS-R9B, pwm to ppm encoder (brand not known), FC = Pixhawk, Copter 3.5.7,
Why can I not see values for PWM with the TX off ?

The problem seemed stem from the pwm to ppm encoder that I was using. I tried a different brand and it worked ok, put the other one back and no value with the transmitter off.