No Pos_hold

Yesterday I went to try and use pos_hold. (first time) I selected it in flight mode screen and tested it in my HUB. It stayed on stabilize so I searched for an update and when mission planner rebooted, pos_hold was no longer there. No ROI either.

I reinstalled mission planner and checked for updates. Still no joy.

Mission Planner 1.3.10
APM 2.5
V3.1.5 Hexa

Any Ideas

John H
New Zealand

I believe it is not in 3.1.5 but int he beta firmware

Hi! I have the same issue, no pos hold after update to Ac3.2 rc 12, i rolled back to AC3.1.5 yet there is no pos hold/hybrid modeā€¦can this be fixed?

got it fixed by updating beta firmware of mission planner :slight_smile: