No logs on pixhawk?

I wanted to review the logs on my pixhawk (running APM 3.4.2) after a flight went awry earlier today…but connecting with mavproxy and running log list reveals:

STABILIZE> log list
Requesting log list
Log 0  numLogs 0 lastLog 0 size 0 

Configuration seems sane to me, but I am not an expert:

STABILIZE> param show LOG*
LOG_BITMASK      176126.000000
LOG_DISARMED     0.000000
LOG_REPLAY       0.000000

Even setting LOG_DISARMED to 1 does not result in any log files being visible (either via the mavproxy log list command or via “Download logs” in qgroundcontrol). Even after rebooting.

Have I misconfigured something? Or is there something I can poke to get my logs back?

Hi Lars,

Have you checked your SD card? Sometimes when it gets full you need to completely erase it for it to work again.

@OXINARF, I figured someone would ask :). I should have posted that in theoriginal question. it’s a 4GB SD card with 3.7GB free. I guess if you think it would help I could erase it anyway.

I’m not sure if it will fix it or not, but it won’t hurt :slight_smile:

That seemed to solve it!

I wonder if there is a way to log write failures (via mavlink messages) so that it’s possible to raise an error in this situation rather than failing mysteriously?

The log health status is already reported through MAVLink. I think Mission Planner supports it, not sure about other GCS.

@OXINARF, I figured someone would ask :). I should have posted that in
theoriginal question. it’s a 4GB SD card with 3.7GB free. I guess if you
think it would help I could erase it anyway.

If the card has ever been full NuttX has issues with it.