“Usually” means your SD card can’t cope with the amount of data you’re trying to write to it. For full rate logging you basically need the fastest card you can find.
Thanks for the reply.
The SD card is Kingston Class 10 with 4GB capacity. I think this is the fastest card I can find.
After I posted the last question, I found out IMU info is split to 2 other params, ACC and GYRO.
As for current, you can find it under BAT. But the same info is also displayed in BAT 2 which I never activate. I don’t know why.
Have in mind that ACC and GYR data ismost probably RAW data. Therefore do not use it to analyse vibrations (amplitudes are much bigger than regular IMU data).
If you do not log ALL IMU data, but only IMU data, you shall find IMU msg in the log. That data is used to measure vibrations.