No Heartbeat APM 2.5

Copter has mode switch on ch5, plane on ch8 by default I think, which may be why mission planner isn’t seeing it.
I don’t use the wizard, so can’t specifically help with that. I’d recommend going to the parameter page and resetting to defaults, then see if the mode list changes.
Also - what version of mission planner, and have you walked through the wiki?

Thanks for the tip. I think we may be making some small progress. When I moved the lead between the Receiver Ch7, which I have assigned to the 3-position switch, over from Input 5 to Input 8, throwing the switch now changes which box is highlighted green on the Mission Planner Flight Mode screen. That is progress.
Unfortunately, the flight mode options have not changed, and Mode #6 is not accessible at all anyway. It is ‘dimmed out’ so clicking on it does nothing. Evidently, the APM still thinks we’re dealing with some sort of VTOL device. Any thought?

Bit hard to guess, but if resetting Params to default didn’t work, flash it with Rover firmware, then download the file linked below and select “upload custom firmware” from the config page to upload this to it:
Skip the wizard.

Tried following your suggestion but sadly I see absolutely no different response…the Flight Mode options remain exactly as they were before.

I also tried bringing up the Parameter file and manually editing the flight mode values, writing those and refreshing the Param settings. All Flight mode fields remained blank when I went to the Flight Mode screen.

Can you post a screen shot of the flight page, and your param file. I’m currently travelling but will try to have a look.
Also (humour me here), can you see if it behaves differently with APMPlanner2 (