No change log for BETA releases?

I’ve just downloaded the beta for When I click on the Change Log link on the Help page, it goes to the change notes for 1.3.49. Where can I find the changes that were made for the beta releases?

correct. for beta releases you need to look at the GitHub revision history.

Thanks, Michael.

I started a GitHub account, but it’s not clear at all where this information is located.

Although I am an engineer and test pilot, I am not a software engineer. However, I do have a requirement to develop our system using the Pixhawk and ArduCopter software, and I need to be able to get latest bug fixes sometimes, IF they are appropriate for our program. We are developing a new commercial heavy lift aircraft and are in need of some of the changes to test as soon as they are available.

It would be great if a users/testers of the system, even ones that are leaning a little further forward and trying the beta code in their systems, didn’t have to be software developers to get some of this basic information.

Is the revision history in one of these files on GitHub?

here is the github link i was refering too

this has all changes that go into mission planner. and is normaly what the change log is based off.