March 5, 2019, 6:59am
I have another problem. I get “AMSL Alt NOT found” during geotagging in MissionPlanner. I found such ticket but it looks like it’s still open so it wasn’t repaired ??? Any one one knows the details ?
opened 11:48PM - 07 Aug 17 UTC
#### Issue details
Using Here+ RTK base and rover, and camera triggering by way… point. Using the Geo Ref tool with "CAM Message Synchro" enabled and with "Use CAM Messages" checked/unchecked (I tried both) and "Use AMSL Alt" checked, I get the following report when I click pre-process:
Using AMSL Altitude True
Reading log for GPS Messages in order to get AMSL Altitude
Log Read for GPS Messages
Log locations : 4233
Reading log for CAM Messages
Log Read with - 98 - CAM Messages found
Read images
Images read : 98
Photo DSC04895 processed from CAM Msg with 0 ms shutter lag. AMSL Alt NOT found
Photo DSC04896 processed from CAM Msg with 0 ms shutter lag. AMSL Alt NOT found
Photo DSC04897 processed from CAM Msg with 0 ms shutter lag. AMSL Alt NOT found
Photo DSC04898 processed from CAM Msg with 0 ms shutter lag. AMSL Alt NOT found
Photo DSC04899 processed from CAM Msg with 0 ms shutter lag. AMSL Alt NOT found
and so on....
However, the CAM messages in the log do show both an "Alt" and a "GPSAlt" column, both of which appear to be reporting AMSL. I'll attach a screenshot of that.
If I use the "time offset" option instead of the CAM option, things start to get pretty wonky. For example, using "time offset" with AMSL checked results in my images being geotagged with AMSL, but with one big problem: Some images (about 10%) are being geotagged with an AMSL that is very close to the RTK base AMSL, which would mean that my drone would have dropped out of the sky, hit the ground, and immediately climbed back up (if this logging by the Geo Ref tool was accurate). I've attached the graph of the GPS Alt for the flight, to show that my UAS maintained a constant altitude until it was time to land (no 100m drops in the middle of the flight). I doubt very much that the "time offset" would be a great choice for me, given this problem. Besides, the CAM messages are exactly what I need, and they have the data I need... it's just that the Geo Ref tool doesn't seem to be looking in the right place for the AMSL for CAM messages.
#### Version Build 1.1.6417.13138 (I tried the beta just in case it had already resolved this issue, but it had not)
1.3.49 Build 1.1.6410.20232
#### Platform
[ # ] All
[ ] AntennaTracker
[ ] Copter
[ ] Plane
[ ] Rover
[ ] Sub
#### Airframe type
#### Hardware type
pixhawk 2.1 w/ edison installed
It looks like the problem is mentioned here also:
Mission Planner 1.3.58
With Use AMSL Alt checked I get this message:
Photo IMG_9455 processed from CAM Msg with 0 ms shutter lag. AMSL Alt NOT found
Update: It appears that above mean sea level values are tagged to the image even though the message indicates AMSL Alt NOT found.
Excellent utility! with CAM Message Sync it makes geotagging images a breeze.