No Autotune in 3.1.1

I vesuccessfully autotune my copter with firmware 3.1. (set Channel 8 to Autotune, arm in stabilize, switch to althold and the activate channel 8)
Try to autotune my copter with firmware 3.1.1 in the same way, but no autotune happend even Droidplaner told me autotune mode ist activ.

[quote=“picture4it”]I vesuccessfully autotune my copter with firmware 3.1. (set Channel 8 to Autotune, arm in stabilize, switch to althold and the activate channel 8)
Try to autotune my copter with firmware 3.1.1 in the same way, but no autotune happend even Droidplaner told me autotune mode ist activ.[/quote]

Make sure all your radio trims are at zero.

Set trims to zero (radio shows 1500 PMW). No autotrim, even Mission Planer HUD shows autotune. Will try 3.1.2

Are you sure your sticks are centered and you don’t have some offsets being sent from your transmitter?