Newbie current mode

I wanna know how to change current mode cause now my current mode is manual, but I wanna change to auto. Pls tell me how.

I want to change current mode not flight mode sir.

careful though, if you did not understand what Mustafa sent you, you might not have you RC buttons calibrated to quickly change to manual if something goes bad

It’s pops “flight mode change failed”

That’s because your drone is not flying, i’d guess it’s not even armed, also you don’t have any GPS so the drone does not know where it’s located (and it won’t know where it’s headed so no auto mission possible)

I think you might need to check your whole setup from the start

Ahhh, so I have to test and then I can turn it into auto right? Cause now I’m in the building and GPS is not so I put GPS out.

Yes you should read the doc again , and take your time before trying to launch your drone in auto. You should not take this lightly as it could be very dangerous