New version update from MP:re-calibrations?

Hi, i want to be update my Pixhawk and APM’s from 3.1.2 to 3.1.5 trough Mission Planner.
Will I have to redo calibrations (radio - acc- compass ecc…) when the versions changing last digit. 3.1.x ?

Can you explain to me how update works?

Ciao - Giuseppe

I typically do not re-do the calibration between releases. This is a bit of a tricky thing, as sometimes you need to, but sometimes you do not. You really need to pay attention to the releases to know for sure, which I do since I’m a developer.

There is no 3.1.5, so I assume you mean 3.1.3. You should not need to update any parameter or retune anything going from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3. Just load the new code, maybe have a look through the parameters list to make sure everything looks right, and that’s it. You don’t need to do an erase-reset-retune.

Thanks Rob,
(you are right, I mistake, there in no version 3.1.5 but 3.1.3)

Ciao - Giuseppe