New values after Autotune not saved

I did autotune today on my quad. FC is Pixhawk, Copter V3.5.5, and MP 1.3.56. My setting on AUTOTUNE__Axis is 3, i.e. roll and pitch.

I invoked autotune from ALt Hold mode. after finishing the ROLL autotune, and just starting the PITCH autotune, autotune switch still at high position, I landed and disarmed the quad without doing PITCH autotune, as I don’t want to drain the battery too low.

After checking at the MP, I found both the ATC_ANG_RLL_P and the ATC_RAT_RLL_P remain unchanged at the default values of 4.5 and 0.135 respectively.

Do I have to complete ALL the tuning according to the Autotune__axis, ie. both ROLL and PITCH before new data will be saved ?

Yes. …and now to the stupid 20char limit.

But you can specify in the parameters which axis will be tuned when you invoke it, so you can tell it to do one axis only. Helpfull if your flighttime is not sufficient for more than one axis (or tuning takes a long time per axis).

As far that I know, yes .

Or as CLabeck wrote do one axis at once

Yes, I did one axis today and new value is saved. If you specify say 3
axis, you have to complete all the 3 axis. Otherwise no new values will be