New to building quads please help

Hello… My name is Aaron

I’ve been flying RTF and the odd self build helicopter off and on for a good few years and found it easy to setup in most cases until now due to he wants to build one a drone.

I’m helping my dad build build this quadcopter and we are both new to setting up and programming quadcopters.

I own a syma x5c and he owns a cheerson 20 but he’s got it into his head that he wants to build everything from now on in… He’s 70 years old and only discovered drones about 6 months ago and is now obsessed with them :0)

My problem is with either the I’m not setting up something on his DX9 or some setting in flight planner needs changing.

When calibrating the DX9 in flight planner I get no input from aileron what I think is called roll.

Right hand stick left and right mode 2

Throttle pitch and yaw all work but roll is dead… In the DX9’s monitor it’s working but it not working on flight planner on the PC so I’m wondering if it’s mixing that needs to be adjusted on the DX9

It’s just not registering in flight planner… Even tried my DX6 and another Arducopter.

We have connected all the wires round the right way from receiver to the Arducopter as far as I know.

Hope that makes sense and thank you if you can help us.

Have you got another receiver to try? Perhaps change the physical lead on that channel to see if the integrity on that is right.

Thank you… Think we have kind of sorted it.
We have connected all up the receiver and the arducopter one connection at a time while running flight planner… It’s is now working.
Before having everything connected then launching flight planner the roll channel didn’t want to register… Hope it goes smooth now in.

Once again thank you

Suspect that cable then, I think I might change it to be sure.