Today I set out to mount a Kakute F7 V1.5 on my 210mm frame, which I use with a Pixracer for two years without any problem.
I get a malfunction with Motor 3, it is impossible for it to work, I have performed several Motor tests, continuity measurement from FC to ESC and engine 3 does not start, it is as if the signal from the Flight Controller is not reaching the ESC.
I am not sure if I received a defective Hardware or it is a firmware problem, although I am not sure about the changes made by Holybro in that version of the Kakute f7.
I suspect it is a hardware issue but I’ll have a look at the logs shortly. By the way, it should be possible to move the motors by modifying the SERVOx_FUNCTION parameter values. So for example, you could move 3 to 5 by setting SERVO3_FUNCTION = 0, SERVO5_FUNCTION = 35.
Thanks zhangsir
but I did everything that is shown in the documentation “servo output mapping instructions in the official documentation:” and output 3 does not work.
For now I’ll assume this is a hardware issue and we will not investigate much further but if another board turns up with the same issue then we can revisit if we’ve got a software problem…
I will wait for some solution in relation to the issue, although I did a test flight using the M5 out of the Kakute F7 and the flight was fine, yet I will return to my old Pixracer.
Hi there, I’m actually using Betaflight, I got this FC, but I’m having a couple of problems with it, the first one is pretty serious, as one of the motors does not work, I have the FC turned 180 in yaw to have the usb connector in the left side, and for whatever reason the left rear motor does not respond. I have tried older versions of BF just in case, and in one instance the motor that did not responded was the rear right, so I know motors and esc work fine, it is something with the FC… does anyone have experienced anything like this? The second problem is that the OSD also does not show in the screen…