New Display Onboard TFT160x128

Hello everybody , i developed a new kind of display for Arducopter / Pixhawk.
This display is an extension of the onboard display SSD1306
the difference is the possibility to show more useful information for a complete pre-arm check.

The components required are :

The informations are showed on the page for fuctionality. A push button is used to scroll the pages

There is a video to show how does it works TFTMavlink
The display can show the voltage for batteries 3S/4S. This part is under test so not yet completed.
The project is on Github.
As soon is possible i will produce the PCB . The project is realized with Fritzing and will be published after test
Shape W=50mm H=60mm

Every hint will be appreciated !


Very nice! Thanks for sharing!

Very nice job, congratulations.

Very nice job!! Congratulations.