New "Cube Black" Pixhawk 2.1 Cube Install Firmware Hangs @ Reading Hex

Got some new Hex/Proficnc Pixhawk Cubes. I notice that these new boards report to windows their name as “Cube Black”

When Installing Firmware from Mission Planner, The progress bar hangs at “Reading Hex File” (most of the time) sometimes it works fine.

I have discovered a workaround to unplug the USB cable to the board when it hangs. Mission Planner then prompts to “unplug and replug wait 30sec”.Then plug the USB back in.


Am i doing something stupid here?

I think it has something to do with them not shipping pre-loaded with firmware like they used to, after it gets firmware loaded the first time the issue goes away.

@Michael_Oborne? Any idea?

please install the latest MP from the msi. there is a driver missing.

Reinstalled using latest.msi.(1.3.64) Error still. Uninstalled, reinstalled latest.msi. Error still. Reset windows (due to an unrelated issue) Installed latest.msi. Error still.

Hangs at Reading Hex File.

I have not, I have another workaround that works, unplugging the cube when it hangs, MP then asks to “unplug replug after okay and wait 30 sec” prompt. it works after that.

So I am able to get around it, but I believe it is an issue that I am leaving feedback on nevertheless.

thanks for the feedback @thatsnailguy knowing that means i can look for something before that dialog that may cause this issue.

I just received new in box ProfiCNC 2.1 Black with Here2 Combo Kit from Spektreworks and having same issue.

Device Manager reports ProfiCNC CUBE F4 (COM10)

Will not connect @115200 or 57600
Hangs on Initial Setup and ask if it is a Linux Board
Force BootLoader also hangs…never recovers
Forced to 3 Finger Salute
MP msi dated April 02 2019

Talked to David @Spektreworks and he was aware of the Issue and provided this Work around until Hex solves the problem

  1. For Plane Go here and download the “arduplane.apj” file

  2. Do not connect USB yet. Open MP and go to Initial Setup and select “Install Firmware” tab then “load custom firmware” and select the arduplane.apj file.

  3. Make sure you have the correct COM port and Baudrate of 115200 Now connect to USB and the firmware should begin to install

  4. Follow the on screen instructions. my unit changed com ports after the firmware installed.

After this I was able to select any firmware and no more connections issues.

Hope this helps others

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