Purchased a Cheerson CX20 and am aware of Mission Planner software. Would it be wise to adjust any of the parameters on the quad before flying it or does it come loaded with the proper firmware?
Purchased a Cheerson CX20 and am aware of Mission Planner software. Would it be wise to adjust any of the parameters on the quad before flying it or does it come loaded with the proper firmware?
[quote=“Photodonn”]Purchased a Cheerson CX20 and am aware of Mission Planner software. Would it be wise to adjust any of the parameters on the quad before flying it or does it come loaded with the proper firmware?
I have a new Cheerson CX20 as well and I have flown it right out of the box, and it flies good. Kinda loose in the GPS lock but tolerable. Where I am having issues is in the cyclic response. I need more cyclic response ans in order to get it I need to access the Flight Controller to adjust the values. The problem for me comes when I plug the Cheerson to my laptop. The laptop responds with (This devise does not recognize the usb devise last plugged in) Thus, I can’t do anything.
I highly advise you to first export a copy of your factory parameters if you’re going to start poking around.
Just in case it’s too late, here’s mine. !https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44688334/tempPublic/CX20Factory%20params_firmware_drivers/CX20Factory%20params_firmware_drivers.zip
I’ve since moved on after one too many crashes and basically replaced everything except the motors and ESCs and put it on an F450 frame after buying 3 body shells.
Also, it wouldn’t hurt to immediately wrap the landing gear tightly in white electrical tape and, or using some of that foam used to insulate your water pipes to make the landings softer. I think the body and the gear are both made from eggshell.
I have also converted to 450 frame and it flies much better… looks a bit messy on top but hey!