New Build MiniHawk 3d printed vtol all motors cut during q_autotune Help and advice please

Hello everyone, Had a bit of a disaster today reading logs on ardupilot i am not very familiar with yet.
New build The 3d printed minihawk By Stephen Carlson. Matek f405 wte running Elrs. I was performing the last part i suspect of a roll Q_autotune. This model has been behaving very well and this was my final steps before doing transition test. I was about 4 mins in and without warning all motors cut. I was at 3.5V approx a cell was getting ready to land and save at home battery registers at 3.7V. My intial thought was that i have pushed battery to far but I really am not that convinced of this. It was pretty cold at 5 deg centrigrade
Would anyone look at my log please to help and advise before i rebuild the poor old thing. I am not sure what else to add to help here. Please find enclosed log. I am pretty new to Ardupilot but build all sorts of models using Inav and BFlight just getting into Vtil Now. Thanks in advance Dave B
december 16 crash day. pitch done roll 4 mins in.param (22.1 KB)[
BIN File]