New Beta 2.7.7Rc2

I signed up as beta tester and got 2.6 now I can’t seem to get the new beta
I did receive the new rel between the two. any idea where i can get the beta ver ?

You mean this?

Thanks I got it and have it running on my NEXUS. I did use it today with a friends Nexus and my
APM 2.6 (3.2rc7) FollowMe worked fine !

Which android OS?

Today I used on one Nexus 7 4.4.4 and 4.3 on another Nexus also used
4.4.2 on a Samsung S4 4.4.2. all worked fine in followme ,Land and Auto
APM 2.6 3.2rc7 450 quad DJI frame 3D radio via USB

Thanks good to know I want to get a tablet to use the follow me mode. I have a tablet but no gps :frowning: Right after I bought it they announced follow me mode. Figures…

Thank’s for the new release; my opinion: I miss the LAND quick buttom, if you have any problem with your radio, you can land quickly from the tablet?, the arm button isn’t very important because you can arm your copter from the radio?; this only an opinion to discuss, it’s a great program thank’s Arthur :smiley: