New Airspeed sensor (MS5525) for ArduPlane 3.8

@Artem_Skorsky are you flying rotor or fixed wing?

Could there be some airflow interference on your static port? The one on the fc baro.

I use MS4525 to install in the same position is normal, change to MS5525 is wrong, airspeed caused by the barometer height abnormality.

hi Tony, i dont have experience on Quadplane, but on plane without airspeed sensor works super fine

I am flying fixed wing

If you loiter when there is any significant wind, having no airspeed sensor will leave the plane going max throttle against the wind and then min throttle on the downwind side. This alone is enough to annoy me into using airspeed.

Indeed. They add a point of failure for sure but all my planes perform well with 4525 and even a Nano Talon flies very well on an MS5525 – but I do have to adjust the offset from time to time. They provide more protection against stalls if you like to cruise near the minimum speed as well.

set minimum ground speed, MIN_GNDSPD_CM,
i set it to 150 (1.5 m/s). so will not put full throttle against the wind. ( if you are not flying at crazy windy weather)

MS5525 airspeed sensor is no longer available. I wonder what causes the production to cease. It worked fine in my opinion. Had lower noise than 4525.

status: active and two thousand in stock at digikey…

Hmm, so the parts are available, but somehow mRobotics stopped making the board using it. That is strange.

See this post maybe? MS5525 vs MS4525 airspeed sensor noise - #15 by adcam

The issue was with a larger than normal number of RMAs of this sensor. It is more moisture sensitive than the MS4525 and without a well designed pitot static system it could be unreliable. We still make them as custom orders if requested. They work great if you can keep them dry.