New Airspeed sensor (MS5525) for ArduPlane 3.8

Was “just in time” with a build, so had not choice.

As I already wrote I have no problems with the MS5525 from Mrobotics.

and as I wrote, I did have.
I set all the last batch back and had them replaced with 4525.
I will test again next year :slight_smile:

So it was not just one defective unit ?
I have done over 100 flights testing low altitude flight and never have problems .
Really strange…

No, it was not, I go one last year, had problems sent it back, then followed this thread as most of us, saw some (like you) post that it was fine. Ordered a few more from my retailer. Still had problems, sent it back. Then few months later same thing. So 3 tries with 3 different units.
Note that the issues were not all the same, the first one I tried was giving error as-well as impossible to calibrate.
Also interesting for you to note that even after you reported that you are happy with the result (last year) there was still reports of something being fixed in the driver. So it if was all good, why would there have been a fix?

But even if I did not tell you this, you can read above a few other report about the drifting.

Just my 2 cents.

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@pompecukor If you’re referring to the driver fix that I did, it was not specific to any particular sensor. A careful read of my posts on this thread should be sufficient to clear up any confusion, but if not, feel free to ask specific questions.

Really sorry to hear that .
Were the MS5525 sensors from MRobotics ?

Yes. from one of thier resellers. I dont there is any othet m5525 on the market right now than the ones from MRobotics.

Just tried the mRo 5525 airspeed sensor on a test flight. Using Arduplane 3.8.5 and an mRo Pixracer.

It was a very humid morning with no wind.

The airspeed sensor delivered data that tracked the GPS ground speed estimates well until about 30 seconds into the flight.

Then it drifted upwards. At the time I landed at about two and one-half minutes, the sensor was showing 10-15mph greater then the GPS ground speed estimate.

Is this the result of the humidity?



@flyingw I’d look at the dataflash log and graph the airspeed temperature. I’ve noticed significant drift with MS5525’s that is associated with the sensor warming up.

Here is the temperature for the flight. It appears to be decreasing:

It is decreasing, but that’s not actually a very large temperature shift. I was expecting something more on the order of 10-20 degrees Celsius.

Exactly what I was going to say. single digit variation, not even 3 'C.
Most flight we can actually expect much more.
As I have said many times the unit is still not ready for prime time.

I think I will ask mRo to take a look at my unit - their customer support is very good.



From what I have seen so far, most users have a favourable review of the MS5525.

However, recently I have been testing the noise levels in my new MS5525 sensors. They keep giving greater noise than the old 4525DO sensors. I have opened a discussion thread regarding this issue here.

Anyone else experienced noise problems with their MS5525 sensors?

Any news on the problem of MS5525?

Hi mark, i noticed you said you used a pixracer and a airspeed sensor,
Was it i2c on the same port as the gps/mag?
Im having trouble getting my airspeed to function when its connected with the gps. Did you have any trouble like this?

Yes, I used the stock mRo cables and the “active” I2C hub:

Thanks for that,
Im using the later V1.1 airspeed with logic level shifter on the sensor board, so it should be the equivalent setup,
There’s no boosting/extra pull ups going on with mine, but the pixracer already has pull ups in its i2c port.

I’m not aware of a V1.1 MS55525… and I don’t see it mentioned in the mRo store.