My 3DR X8+ has just stop getting a GPS signal.
Worked just fine yesterday and days before. Successfully completed dozens of missions just lately
After “inconsistent compasses” message I did a calibration. Still no GPS signal.
x8+ uses 3DR uBlox GPS+MAG LEA6 V1.2, that uses LEA-6h-0-002 u-blox 6 GPS receiver module.
Power LED on the uBlox is ON. FIX is permanently OFF.
I’ve used “MAVSerial pass” feature of the Mission Planner to connect to u-blox 6 via u-center.
No FIX at all.
ZERO satellites.
Sometimes it shows totally irrelevant Lat/Lon and Datum
Showed FIX = INVALID just once.
Updated the firmware of u-blox 6 with this bin
Still no luck.
Please suggest troubleshooting steps.