Need help analyse crash

hey guys,
i made a quadcopter :
frame s500
apm (firmware 3.2)
4 x 30A afro esc (latest firmware)
4x multistar 920kv + 1045 prop

i tried a flight in “poshold” mode.
after few minutes my quad crashed suddently and i don’t know why . It felt like a rock
i’ll be able to repair most parts broken.

i just read my dataflash log and i’d like some help to analyse and understand what is the problem. see attached file for datalog or here: … -crash.rar

thanks in advance

ps : sry if my english is wrong

Logs show BAROMETER errors which I have never seen before.

Logging set to low to analyze problem. … og_bitmask

Need logging set to NearlyAll to see what’s going on.

Set back down when finished.


thanks for reply , i set log_bitmask (43006 : Nearlyall ) and reupload my logfile.
i hope this file will help.

see attached file or here: … 6r/

I’m afraid logging doesn’t work that way. You will need to record a new log and crash the copter again for us to see what happened.

When the copter is flying in Position Hold watch to see if starts to turn. If so it could mean your compass is off or upside down. As soon as you see it going to do something bad switch to Stabilize or Altitude Hold.

Upload that log and we can take a look.
