Thanks in advance for any help
I am pretty new to AMP helicopter and like to have very little negative pitch because I have not taught my thumb not to pull all the way down on the throttle when I panic.
I am having some trouble with the helicopter wanting to float quite a bit and maybe my negative pitch setting of -2 to -3 degrees in mission planner is part of the problem?
I read this in one of the traditional helicopter setup in mission planner post.
The FC needs the range to cope with gusts etc. You can set +/-12° for the FC and -2° to +10° for you and ‘everybody’ is happy.
Am I correct that this advice means to use mission planner heli setup and set the APM values to +12 and -12 and then save? Then use a pitch curve in your transmitter to setup a +10 and -2 for easier hover beginner flying?
If there is a better way to do this please tell me.
Have you looked at the setup video from Rob L.? Some Parameter names have changed in the mean time. Be aware!
The Heli-setup in Mission Planner is not fully working.
Thank you for reply
I forgot to mention I am using a APM 2.6 with Ver 3.2.1 firmware, the video from Rob L is dealing with Ver 3.3.3.
Sorry to ask but confused the Tradional Helicopter documentation is confusing when dealing with different firmware version numbers?
Question which setup method should I be using with Ver 3.2.1, should I use the mission planner Heli setup or try to use the method Rob L is using for Ver 3.3.3, or a mix of both?