Here is a link to video of the flight and of my motor test.
My ESCs are not wired in the default order, but I used SERVO_Functions to remap them. When I test motor A, B, C, D, they do spin up in the right order as per around the quad clockwise.
Two motors are clockwise spinning - A and C.
Motors B and D are counterclockwise.
Note that the Arducopter diagram has A and C counter-clockwise and B and D clockwise. I don’t think the difference matters, but correct me if I am wrong.
Mode was on Stabilize.
The compass works correctly it seems. The GPS/compass wire comes out the back, and indicates the correct orientation.
The Pixhawk arrow is pointing forward.
The transmitter trim seems centered when viewed in Mission Planner.
The orientation of the computer is set to default in the parameters.
I did a preflight calibration.
What could be making it spin?