Multipoint RFD900x Mision planner Qgroundcontrol

Hi, I’m trying to connect 2 different vehicles to communicate on one GCS. I use 4 RFD900x where node 1 is the master, node 2 is the GCS, node 3 is the vehicle 1, and node 4 is the vehicle 2. I have done the settings as described in the datasheet. But I have problems when I access it using mission planner or qgroundcontrol. I connected node 2 to pixhawk 2.4.8, I only powered node1 so it could turn on as a relay and my laptop was connected to node 2, of course they were set in multipoint mode. The problem is when I try to access the flight controller which is connected to node 3, it can’t connect even though previously when I used point-to-point it could still be accessed. Is there anyone who can give me input as I’m still a beginner? below for setup on each node.

Each flight controller needs a different value for SYSID_THISMAV in parameters.
That may not be the entire answer, I’ll see if I can think of anything else and let you know.

Thank you for your answers. for more information, I tried connecting 1 flight controller to my mission planner and QGC for a test run. I set my SYSID_THISMAV to 2. when I use node 2 (slave) for my ground control station telemetry, it won’t connect. But when I use node 1 (master) it can connect though it takes more than 4 minutes to get the param. can you help me make my node2 so that it can be GCS

For node 2,3,and 4 you have S25 : NODEDESTINATION = 1. Nodes 2, 3, and 4 are only talking to the master node/node 1. Nodes 3 and 4 either need to be set to 2 if your GCS is on that node or 255 to broadcast to all.

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Yes, The radios are given timeslots to broadcast, the more nodes on the network the longer it takes. The master node tells each node when it can broadcast

In theory you can increase the baud rate to speed things up, at the cost of range. However, I have not tried increasing the baud rate of the radios above 64k for my network so I can’t guarantee that it will fix the problem.

In addition according to page 13 of the multipoint manual 1.1, 3 radios is the theoretical recommended maximum for 64kbps. Try 125k or 200k maybe?

Is there a reason you are not using the master node for the GCS?
I have used it just fine.

Thank you for your answer, it really helped me. But I still have one problem. Still can’t connect to Qgroundcontrol. I looked for several references saying that it could be seen on the console and that’s what I got. does anyone know how to solve it?

“[D] at D:\a\qgroundcontrol\qgroundcontrol\src\comm\ - “open failed “Access is denied.” QSerialPort::PermissionError “SiK Radio on COM20 (AutoConnect)” autconnect: true””