Hi guys,
I am having troubles switching between two or three vehicles with MP in a multi vehicle mission.
My setup:
- I have one GCS with a RFD900+ as NodeID:0 and Dest ID: 65535 on a Raspi with MAVProxy Wifi Bridge
- My vehicles have RFD900+ with NodeID:1 and 2 and Dest. ID:0.
- RFD900+ having the the latest multipoint firmware
- RFD’s see each other
In MP the position and HUD is updated alternating with position from Node 1 and 2.
In the drop-down menu on the top right I have only one entry. I should be able to switch between the two Nodes in that drop-down menu (or with the hidden “Ctrl-X” keystroke) as I understand but I do not see how I can get two entries?
Can someone give me some guidance how to control different Nodes with MP?
Many thanks