Multiple UAV operation on a single GCS computer-not swarm

Hello friends of this wonderful community, I have plans to operate 2 planes using a single GCS computer (could be multiple datalinks). Individual control for both the planes on the same page. I remember seeing something similar about 2yrs ago in Mission planner to connect a secondary connection to plane2. Any ideas?

right click the icon bar at the top and pick connection options. then from the drop down near connect change between uavs

Thanks for the prompt response, MO.
Does this allow simultaneous connection between UAV’s? or do i have to cycle the connection link between the 2 uav’s?

Can i monitor and control both the UAV’s simultaneously on the same page without changing the UAV link?
Thanks for the response.

Is your problem solved?I am also working on this project. Is there any information about this project? Thank you for sharing.

You can also execute several instances of MP. If you use speech you will hear simultaneous voices (if one instance there will be one voice for all speeches).

MP so nice: connection list mistery, voices (simultaneous drones GPS mission)